April 29, 2012

Superfoody Friendships

Hey! Here's a little post to talk about social media.

One of my favourite things in the world is to share a meal with people! Once upon a time, when I didn't care about what I ate or wasn't aware of my food allergies, I would often indulge in the company of my friends and family by sharing a meal with them. But now eating out is not as "easy" as it used to be. And I'm aware that not everyone enjoys talking about superfoods, recipes, green juice, hormonal balance, how much you love kale!.. etc... Which is 100% fine with me, but it can sometimes get a little lonely.
“For pleasure has no relish unless we share it.” - Virgina Woolf

I have to tell you, being on Twitter has been a game changer! It has allowed me to share, learn, build  connections, and form friendships. And the best thing of all is that I feel like I am part of this little cyber community with a common interest: living a healthy and wholesome life.

Why do I love Twitter so much?
  1. Recipe sharing
  2. Tips and advice
  3. Food/products/restaurant recommendations
  4. Interesting and/or fun articles
  5. Cheering each other on!
  6. And the obvious one is connecting with people that share a common interest
How does social media enrich your life?


  1. Definitely agree! I've felt similar feelings of not having friends to talk to about my change in eating habits - and my love for new recipes incorporating all these great ingredients. Twitter has been a lot of fun!

  2. Love this post!

  3. And i am SO super happy that you are so happy to have found a community in witch you feel so comfortable.
    And I also feel proud of you for making yourself the healthiest you!
    Reaching your 30's with a glow! <3
